Perth Home Fire and Smoke Detection and Maintenance

Securus can supply and install smoke and fire detection devices that are designed to work in conjunction with your security alarm system.

Over the last 10 years, there has been a 14% decrease in the number of house fires attended to by emergency services in Western Australia. An increase in the number of reliable smoke detectors installed in homes has significantly contributed to this decline.

Early detection of a fire is essential to minimizing damage to your home, but most importantly, ensuring you and your loved ones are alerted promptly allowing enough time to safely leave the premises.

Along with the decline in house fires, the most common causes have also changed during that time.

Where once, the most common causes were unattended candles, sparks from a fireplace, a misplaced cigarette or clothing left too close to a heater, today we’re filling our homes with an ever-growing number of electronic devices, and we’re charging them in all corners of the home.

According to DFES, the most common cause of house fires in 2021 was electrical faults, with many such faults attributed to poorly treated or incorrectly charged lithium batteries found in our modern gadgets and tools.

It’s important to ensure that our gadgets and their batteries are treated with care, and that we use the appropriate charger for the device to reduce the risk of fire. We should also ensure that we’re only using quality batteries.

What can I do to keep my family safe?

One of the easiest and most reliable methods of keeping you and your family safe is the installation of smoke detectors throughout your home.

Smoke detectors should be installed in areas close to bedrooms, in living spaces, adjacent to the kitchen, and in the garage.

My home already has smoke detectors. Can I still improve on this?

Many homes now have some form of smoke detectors installed. But not all are created equal.

Whilst mains powered smoke detectors are mandatory in all new homes, and for existing homes when they’re rented or sold, these devices simply make a lot of noise locally within the premises.

These devices are designed to provide early detection and alert the occupants of the premises to the potential danger.

Mains connected smoke detectors however don’t alert others, or anyone outside of your home.

This is where smoke detectors connected to your Securus home security system can assist.

Not only do these devices provide a local audible alert, but they also trigger the sirens on your security system both inside and outside.

This may alert neighbours and passersby to the situation and provide further opportunity for assistance.

Homes with a Monitored Securus Alarm System benefit the most from this type of smoke detector.

In addition to the multiple local audible alerts with the sounder on the smoke detector, the internal and external sirens of the alarm system, a signal is also sent to the Monitoring Centre, who can then provide a prioritised response to the alarm activation.

This is helpful when children or vulnerable people are at home alone, or if a fire has started when no one is home. In some cases, If authorised our Monitoring Centre can contact DFES for an emergency response.

Contact Securus today on 08 9422 1111 or to further discuss your smoke detector requirements.