Perth Business and Commercial Fire and Smoke Detection Systems
Fire in any premises can be devastating, however in a commercial premises it can lead to property loss and a loss of livelihood for many people within the business.
The damage from even a small fire can have a long-term impact on your staff and the operation of your business. Large destructive fires can place staff at risk and put an immediate halt to your business operations.
The key is early intervention ensuring all staff receive immediate warnings of the fire so that damage to infrastructure, stock and machinery is kept to a minimum.
Destructive fires can mean weeks or months without being able to produce revenue and an adverse impact to long term customer relationships if you’re unable to provide your usual products or services.
Commercial premises vary widely not only in their construction, but their individual uses. Whilst some premises are large open warehouses full of non-flammable items with a small office attached, others are a mix of showroom, office space and warehouse containing highly flammable materials.
In some premises, regulatory requirements necessitate the installation of a certain type and number of smoke detectors, or a sprinkler system. These systems are often very expensive to install and maintain.
For most commercial premises there is no legal or building code requirement stipulating these systems are installed. However, it is the premises with no form of fire detection that are the most vulnerable to significant fire damage.